Registration Fees
update: Tuesday, December 14th, 2022 at 10 pm
Registration is now open till feburary 14th, 2023!
*Registration fees include lunches from March Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th and cocktail dinner from March 15th. To attend the Gala Dinner on Thursday March 16th, an additional contribution of €48 (tax included) will be required during registration process.
The applicable VAT rate to registration fees has recently changed and is now 10% so that we have changed the fees excl. tax in the above table according to the information displayed on "pre-bon de commande" pdf file sent by e-mail after your azurcolloque registration. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Special offer: 1 free student / PhD student / Post-doc registration
for 4 full-price academic registration/ lab !!!!
For more information about this special offer, do not hesitate to contact us!
Registration to the congress is a 3-step procedure (download the tutorial)
1) Fill the sciencesconf registration form here
The information provided in the sciencesconf form will enable us organizing the congress in the best way.
2) Proceed to your pre-registration on the CNRS AzurColloque platform here
After this pre-registration request on the AzurColloque platform, you will receive an automatic email from informing you that you will receive a new email once your pre-registration will be validated (within 48 hours): in this second email, you will find a link enabling you to finalize your registration and proceed to the fees payment. Please check your spam box!
3) Confirm your registration on the AzurColloque payment platform by proceeding to the payment of your registration here
/!\ Please, note that it is not possible to pay using the CNRS credit card "carte d'achats".
After confirming your registration and if you chose payment by bank transfer or purchase order, you will receive an email with all needed information to proceed to the payment. Please check your spam box!
If you pay by purchase order or need an invoice, please address your request directly to
We advise you to put in cc
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that an invoice
will be delivered ONLY once your registration will be paid.